1. Australia Award Scholarship (http://australiaawardsindo.or.id)
2. LPDP Scholarship (http://www.beasiswalpdp.org/index.html)
3. DIKTI Scholarship a. Dalam Negeri (http://www.beasiswa.dikti.go.id/dn/)b. Luar Negeri (http://beasiswa.dikti.go.id/ln/)
4. Turkey Government Scholarship (http://www.turkiyeburslari.gov.tr/index.php/en)
5. General Cultural Scholarship India (http://www.iccrindia.net/gereralscheme.html)
6. USA Government Scholarship a. (http://www.aminef.or.id/index.php)b. (http://www.iief.or.id)
7. Netherland Government Scholarship (http://www.nesoindonesia.or.id/beasiswa)
8. Korean Government Scholarship (http://www.niied.go.kr/eng/contents.do?contentsNo=78&menuNo=349)
9. Belgium Government Scholarship (http://www.vliruos.be/4273.aspx)
10. Israel ... ... xxx
11. Sciences Po France (http://formation.sciences-po.fr/en/contenu/the-emile-boutmy-scholarship)
12. Utrecht University Netherland (http://www.uu.nl/university/international-students/en/financialmatters/grantsandscholarships/Pages/utrechtexcellencescholarships.aspx)
13. Prasetya Mulya Business School Indonesia (http://www.pmbs.ac.id/s2/scholarship.php?lang=ENG)
14. Brunei Darussalam Government Scholarship (http://www.mofat.gov.bn/index.php/announcement)
15. Monbugakusho Scholarship Japan (http://www.id.emb-japan.go.jp/sch.html)
16. Paramadina University Master Fellowship Indonesia (https://gradschool.paramadina.ac.id/in/graduate-school-fellowship/paramadina-medco-fellowship-2013.html)
17. PPM School of Management Indonesia (http://ppm-manajemen.ac.id/beasiswa-penuh-s2-mm-reguler/)
18. University of Twente Netherland (http://www.utwente.nl/internationalstudents/scholarshipsandgrants/all/uts/)
19. Sweden Government Scholarship (http://www.studyinsweden.se/Scholarships/)
20. Chinese Government Scholarship (http://www.csc.edu.cn/laihua/scholarshipdetailen.aspx?cid=97&id=1422)
21. Taiwan Government Scholarship (http://www.studyintaiwan.org/taiwan_scholarships.html)
22. United Kingdom Government SCholarship (http://www.chevening.org/indonesia/)
23. Panasonic Scholarship Japan (http://panasonic.net/citizenship/scholarships/pso/requirements/)
24. Ancora Foundation Scholarship (http://ancorafoundation.com)
25. Asian Public Intellectuals Fellowship Japan (http://www.api-fellowships.org/body/)
26. AUN/SEED-Net Scholarship (http://www.seed-net.org/index.php)
27. Art Asia Major Scholarship Korea National University of Arts (http://eng.karts.ac.kr:81/karts/board/list.jsp?c_no=003013002&bt_no=123&page=1&b_category=&b_categoryimg=&searchSelect=&keyword=&divisionSelect=&engNotice=engNotice)
28. Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University Japan (http://www.apu.ac.jp/home/life/index.php?content_id=30)
29. Seoul National University Korea (http://en.snu.ac.kr/apply/graduate/scholarships/before-application)
30. DIKTIS Overseas Scholarship (http://www.pendis.kemenag.go.id/beasiswaln/)
31. Honjo International Scholarship Foundation Japan (http://hisf.or.jp/english/sch-f/)
32. IDB Merit Scholarship Programme for High Technology (http://www.isdb.org/irj/portal/anonymous?NavigationTarget=navurl://c28c70fde436815fcff1257ef5982a08)
33. International HIV & Drug Use Fellowship USA (http://www.iasociety.org/fellowship.aspx)
34. Nitori International Scholarship Foundation Japan (http://www.nitori-shougakuzaidan.com/en/)
35. School of Government and Public Policy Indonesia (http://sgpp.ac.id/pages/financial-conditions)
36. Inpex Scholarship Foundation Japan
37. Asia University Taiwan (http://ciae.asia.edu.tw/AdmissionsScholarship.html)
38. Macquaire University Australia (http://www.mq.edu.au/future_students/international/scholarships_and_awards/macquarie_university_international_scholarships/)
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