"When You Change Your Brain Waves, You Transform Your Life".
The brain is the front door yourself to make changes. The brain determines how you think, feel, and behave. Brain affect how you respond to the recent past, addressing that you will live, and shape your future. With Brain Wave Therapy (Brainwave) allows the balance of the brain and opens the door changes, even these changes can you feel the first time you listen to this music Brain Wave Therapy.
Brain Waves condition yourself will determine your thoughts and behavior. Concentration, pressure, energy, mood, habits, behavior, reactions, and others is a reflection of the condition of your brain wave frequencies. By changing the frequency of brain waves (Brainwave), transformed condition.
How Brain Wave Therapy Work?
Brain Wave Therapy works by train / stimulate your brain waves in order to get in on a particular frequency range. Every activity we always have continuity with our brain wave frequencies. And with the discovery of an EEG machine (electroencephalogram) it can be mapped frequencies associated with the physiological and psychological human condition.
This brain wave therapy mimicked the frequency to train your brain waves. This therapy is very effective because you do not need to train yourself to control the mind as practice meditation, yoga, self-hypnosis / hypnosis, visualization or affirmation. But if you combine brain wave therapy with these techniques, then you will get amazing results. Learn more fully the workings of the brain wave therapy here
Proven By Clinical
Human brain tissue produces electrical waves that fluctuate. These pulses are called brainwave or brain waves. In 1929, Hans Berger, a German psychiatrist, found Electro Encephalograph (EEG) which can be used to measure electrical waves produced by the brain. Since then the technology based on brain waves (Brainwave) to enhance the ability of the mind and the development of human beings began to grow rapidly throughout the world. Research over the years shows that the brain waves (Brainwave) not only shows the state of mind and body, but can also be stimulated to change a person's mental condition. By conditioning the brain to produce or reduce certain kinds of brain wave frequencies, it is possible to produce a variety of mental and emotional state.
Broadly speaking, the human brain produces four types of brain waves (Brainwave) simultaneously, namely Beta, Alpha, Tetha, Delta. However, there is always a dominant types of brain waves, which indicates brain activity at the time. For example if we fall asleep, the brain waves are the dominant Delta. Brain waves can be manipulated (programmed) by listening to the sound that has been set frequency to obtain certain effects as needed.
Eg for meditation, what is needed is that the conditions relaksaksi (like sleep) but the mind or consciousness still work. It is certainly difficult for human beings in general, and the meditator (meditation fans) need to practice many years to achieve such conditions. But with the help of a CD that has been specifically programmed this, one can enter a meditative state within a few days of training alone. Meditators have used the technology of brain waves (Brainwave) is to enter the subconscious mind in a fast time.
Combination of WATER and MUSIC
Meanwhile Klinik Bad Sulza, Thuringen, Germany, combine the water with music therapy. The program offered the clinic was called liquid sound. For that supplied two swimming pools each measuring 24 m2.
With both hands crossed behind, body program participants who are members of a group is floating on the surface of the pool water on their backs. Their bodies can float like in the Dead Sea because it contains salt water pool 3%.
In such a position, their ears are submerged in the water could be heard clearly the music that is playing. "The sound of music came in through the skull!" Said Micky Reeman (46), manager of the liquid sound. "As in the mother's womb!" Comments Rose (42), a participant who has a problem with his back.
His music is diverse, there is Japanese music, soft music, or pop oldies. Sometimes also played cello musician Matthias von game Hintzenstern. Anyway, like a live concert in the water. Each group may choose the music you love.
The music was playing through several loudspeakers mounted on bottom of the pool and spread music to the entire pool.
The participants were silent, voiceless! These conditions make not feel it had been two hours they were in the pool. After getting out of the pool, they were admitted to the body and head feels light. Satisfaction looks on their faces.
A combination of water, warmth, music, and light can give peace has been known since the time of the New Age Movement in California, USA. In Germany, Mickey Reeman develop and patent the idea of healing water with liquid names sound. At Expo 2000, he appeared with the project. The prototype in the form of a large soaking tub in the basement, which is equipped with a lighted dome and loudspeakers in the bottom of the pool.
Many people are now doing water therapy. If you want, also can. No need to look far. You can do it yourself. How, shower or flush the body with warm water. Then soak in cold water temperature 18oC. In this way the body will be trained in a variety of disease.
If you experience muscle tension, doing therapy with warm water bath temperature of 37 ° C. Besides soaking feet in warm water temperature 37 - 39oC can to treat the symptoms of sleep deprivation and infections. While the bath with hot and cold stimuli turn will stabilize the work of the heart and blood flow.
CD Intelligence, songs for intelligence, for intelligence music, songs for a smart brain, brain music for intelligent and Memory ....
Make your child become smart kids, with marvelous learning achievement,
An effective new method to increase the "achievement" at the school.
Your child's intelligence is the future asset for the rest of his life.
If you are dizzy by your child's learning achievements are declining, discover the magic through CD INTELLIGENCE CHILD.
Feel the sensation of freshness incredible brain.
Overcoming Learning Difficulties, Enable Concentration and Improve Memory and Brain Function Balancing your child and you as a parent ..
Not only effective in your child,
all family members will get
positive effect if often listen to.
Various benefits you can get by listening to CDs Music Therapy INTELLIGENCE, among others:
How to use this audio therapy enough to be heard every day when going to bed or when you are resting relaxed, specifically audio to improve IQ, and in sufficient concentration to listen to 5 minutes. Usually the results will begin to be felt after 7 days of regular use and will continue to increase if it is used every day or at least 2 days. May be heard by adults, adolescents, and children.
Audio benefits of this therapy will process your brain to faster learning, easy to understand the problem, responsive, easy to memorize, can remember a lot of things, good concentration, as well as creative in creating and solving problems.
We are a training provider activation of the intelligence of children with eyes closed methods that have spawned thousands of intelligent children in Indonesia, and the CD you'll get is a CD for maintanance for your child to always get the smart brain wave conditions to fill the day-to-day activity in school.
Perhaps you wonder, whether effective only listen to his CD without following the training?
We said yes, because the stimulation essence of intelligence is in this CD. The difference, through training, your child will be given an understanding of affection to parents, teachers, and fellow human beings. If your goal to educate your children, this CD is the answer. Although the CD is designed to educate school-age children, parents and teens will also feel the increasing sharpness of memory and thinking if often listen to.
Already thousands of Indonesian children are getting smarter with their eyes closed training methods. We realize that not all parents can include beloved child
to follow training. So we provide an alternative in order to achieve the nation, Producing Therapeutic CD intelligence of children at a very affordable price,
Jika Anda pusing oleh prestasi belajar anak Anda yang menurun, temukan keajaiban melalui CD KECERDASAN ANAK.
Rasakan sensasi kesegaran otak yang luar biasa.
Mengatasi Kesulitan Belajar, Memudahkan Konsentrasi dan Meningkatkan Daya Ingat serta Menyeimbangkan Fungsi otak anak Anda maupun Anda sebagai orang tua..
Cara menggunakan terapi audio ini cukup didengarkan setiap hari saat akan tidur atau saat anda sedang beristirahat santai, khusus audio untuk meningkatkan IQ, dan konsentrasi cukup di dengarkan dengan 5 menit saja. Biasanya hasil akan mulai terasa setelah 7 hari pemakaian rutin dan akan terus meningkat jika dipakai setiap hari atau minimal 2 hari sekali. Boleh didengarkan oleh orang dewasa, remaja, maupun anak-anak.
Kami adalah penyelenggara pelatihan aktivasi kecerdasan anak dengan metode mata tertutup yang telah melahirkan ribuan anak-anak cerdas di Indonesia, dan CD yang akan Anda dapatkan ini adalah merupakan CD untuk maintanance agar anak Anda selalu mendapatkan kondisi gelombang otak yang cerdas untuk mengisi hari-harinya beraktivitas di sekolah.
Mungkin Anda bertanya-tanya, apakah efektif hanya mendengarkan CD nya saja tanpa mengikuti pelatihannya ?
Kami jawab YA, karena intisari stimulasi kecerdasan ada di dalam CD ini. Perbedaannya, melalui pelatihan, Anak Anda akan di beri pemahaman tentang kasih sayang kepada orang tua, guru, dan sesama umat manusia. Jika tujuan Anda untuk mencerdaskan anak Anda, CD ini adalah jawabannya. Walau CD ini di desain untuk mencerdaskan anak usia sekolah, orang tua dan remaja juga akan merasakan bertambahnya memori dan ketajaman berfikir apabila sering mendengarkannya.
"Ketika Anda Merubah Gelombang Otak Anda, Anda Merubah Hidup Anda".
Otak adalah pintu
depan diri Anda untuk melakukan perubahan. Otak menentukan bagaimana Anda
berpikir, merasakan, dan bertingkah laku. Otak mempengaruhi bagaimana Anda
menyikapi yang telah lewat, menyikapi yang akan Anda jalani, dan membentuk masa
depan Anda. Dengan Terapi Gelombang Otak (Brainwave) memungkinkan adanya
keseimbangan otak dan membuka pintu perubahan, bahkan perubahan tersebut
bisa Anda rasakan saat pertama kali Anda mendengarkan Musik Terapi Gelombang
Otak ini.
Gelombang Otak bekerja dengan cara melatih/menstimulasi gelombang otak Anda
agar masuk pada rentang frekwensi tertentu. Setiap aktivitas kita selalu
mempunyai kesinambungan dengan frekwensi gelombang otak kita. Dan dengan
ditemukannya mesin EEG (electroencephalogram) maka dapat dipetakan
frekwensi-frekwensi yang berhubungan dengan kondisi psikologis dan fisiologis
manusia. Terapi gelombang otak ini menirukan frekwensi tersebut untuk melatih
gelombang otak Anda. Terapi ini sangat efektif karena Anda tidak perlu melatih
diri Anda untuk mengontrol pikiran seperti latihan meditasi, yoga,
self-hypnosis/hypnosis, visualisasi atau afirmasi. Namun jika Anda
menggabungkan terapi gelombang otak dengan teknik-teknik tersebut maka Anda
akan mendapatkan hasil yang luar biasa. Pelajari lebih lengkap cara kerja
terapi gelombang otak disini!: Artikel
tentang Musik Terapi Gelombang Otak
"When You Change Your Brain Waves, You Transform Your Life".
The brain is the front door yourself to make changes. The brain determines how you think, feel, and behave. Brain affect how you respond to the recent past, addressing that you will live, and shape your future. With Brain Wave Therapy (Brainwave) allows the balance of the brain and opens the door changes, even these changes can you feel the first time you listen to this music Brain Wave Therapy.
How Brain Wave Therapy Work?
Brain Wave Therapy works by train / stimulate your brain waves in order to get in on a particular frequency range. Every activity we always have continuity with our brain wave frequencies. And with the discovery of an EEG machine (electroencephalogram) it can be mapped frequencies associated with the physiological and psychological human condition.
Proven By Clinical
Human brain tissue produces electrical waves that fluctuate. These pulses are called brainwave or brain waves. In 1929, Hans Berger, a German psychiatrist, found Electro Encephalograph (EEG) which can be used to measure electrical waves produced by the brain. Since then the technology based on brain waves (Brainwave) to enhance the ability of the mind and the development of human beings began to grow rapidly throughout the world. Research over the years shows that the brain waves (Brainwave) not only shows the state of mind and body, but can also be stimulated to change a person's mental condition. By conditioning the brain to produce or reduce certain kinds of brain wave frequencies, it is possible to produce a variety of mental and emotional state.
Broadly speaking, the human brain produces four types of brain waves (Brainwave) simultaneously, namely Beta, Alpha, Tetha, Delta. However, there is always a dominant types of brain waves, which indicates brain activity at the time. For example if we fall asleep, the brain waves are the dominant Delta. Brain waves can be manipulated (programmed) by listening to the sound that has been set frequency to obtain certain effects as needed.
Eg for meditation, what is needed is that the conditions relaksaksi (like sleep) but the mind or consciousness still work. It is certainly difficult for human beings in general, and the meditator (meditation fans) need to practice many years to achieve such conditions. But with the help of a CD that has been specifically programmed this, one can enter a meditative state within a few days of training alone. Meditators have used the technology of brain waves (Brainwave) is to enter the subconscious mind in a fast time.
Combination of WATER and MUSIC
Meanwhile Klinik Bad Sulza, Thuringen, Germany, combine the water with music therapy. The program offered the clinic was called liquid sound. For that supplied two swimming pools each measuring 24 m2.
With both hands crossed behind, body program participants who are members of a group is floating on the surface of the pool water on their backs. Their bodies can float like in the Dead Sea because it contains salt water pool 3%.
In such a position, their ears are submerged in the water could be heard clearly the music that is playing. "The sound of music came in through the skull!" Said Micky Reeman (46), manager of the liquid sound. "As in the mother's womb!" Comments Rose (42), a participant who has a problem with his back.
His music is diverse, there is Japanese music, soft music, or pop oldies. Sometimes also played cello musician Matthias von game Hintzenstern. Anyway, like a live concert in the water. Each group may choose the music you love.
The music was playing through several loudspeakers mounted on bottom of the pool and spread music to the entire pool.
The participants were silent, voiceless! These conditions make not feel it had been two hours they were in the pool. After getting out of the pool, they were admitted to the body and head feels light. Satisfaction looks on their faces.
A combination of water, warmth, music, and light can give peace has been known since the time of the New Age Movement in California, USA. In Germany, Mickey Reeman develop and patent the idea of healing water with liquid names sound. At Expo 2000, he appeared with the project. The prototype in the form of a large soaking tub in the basement, which is equipped with a lighted dome and loudspeakers in the bottom of the pool.
Many people are now doing water therapy. If you want, also can. No need to look far. You can do it yourself. How, shower or flush the body with warm water. Then soak in cold water temperature 18oC. In this way the body will be trained in a variety of disease.
If you experience muscle tension, doing therapy with warm water bath temperature of 37 ° C. Besides soaking feet in warm water temperature 37 - 39oC can to treat the symptoms of sleep deprivation and infections. While the bath with hot and cold stimuli turn will stabilize the work of the heart and blood flow.
CD Intelligence, songs for intelligence, for intelligence music, songs for a smart brain, brain music for intelligent and Memory ....
Make your child become smart kids, with marvelous learning achievement,
An effective new method to increase the "achievement" at the school.
Your child's intelligence is the future asset for the rest of his life.
If you are dizzy by your child's learning achievements are declining, discover the magic through CD INTELLIGENCE CHILD.
Feel the sensation of freshness incredible brain.
Overcoming Learning Difficulties, Enable Concentration and Improve Memory and Brain Function Balancing your child and you as a parent ..
Not only effective in your child,
all family members will get
positive effect if often listen to.
Various benefits you can get by listening to CDs Music Therapy INTELLIGENCE, among others:
- Freshness brain in a short time
- Improve memory
- Increase endurance
- Increasing the concentration of work, not easily tired and bored
- Improve IQ
- Increase creativity
- Improve cognitive abilities
- Increasing the concentration of learning
- Improve comprehension, easier to understand new things
- Reducing the head pain disorder.
- Improve the ability to think logically
How to use this audio therapy enough to be heard every day when going to bed or when you are resting relaxed, specifically audio to improve IQ, and in sufficient concentration to listen to 5 minutes. Usually the results will begin to be felt after 7 days of regular use and will continue to increase if it is used every day or at least 2 days. May be heard by adults, adolescents, and children.
Audio benefits of this therapy will process your brain to faster learning, easy to understand the problem, responsive, easy to memorize, can remember a lot of things, good concentration, as well as creative in creating and solving problems.
We are a training provider activation of the intelligence of children with eyes closed methods that have spawned thousands of intelligent children in Indonesia, and the CD you'll get is a CD for maintanance for your child to always get the smart brain wave conditions to fill the day-to-day activity in school.
Perhaps you wonder, whether effective only listen to his CD without following the training?
We said yes, because the stimulation essence of intelligence is in this CD. The difference, through training, your child will be given an understanding of affection to parents, teachers, and fellow human beings. If your goal to educate your children, this CD is the answer. Although the CD is designed to educate school-age children, parents and teens will also feel the increasing sharpness of memory and thinking if often listen to.
Already thousands of Indonesian children are getting smarter with their eyes closed training methods. We realize that not all parents can include beloved child
to follow training. So we provide an alternative in order to achieve the nation, Producing Therapeutic CD intelligence of children at a very affordable price,
Jadikan anak Anda menjadi anak cerdas, dengan prestasi belajar yang mengagumkan,
Sebuah metoda terbaru yang efektif untuk tingkatkan ”prestasi anak” Anda di sekolah.
Sebuah metoda terbaru yang efektif untuk tingkatkan ”prestasi anak” Anda di sekolah.
Kecerdasan otak anak Anda adalah asset masa depannya untuk seumur hidupnya.
Jika Anda pusing oleh prestasi belajar anak Anda yang menurun, temukan keajaiban melalui CD KECERDASAN ANAK.
Mengatasi Kesulitan Belajar, Memudahkan Konsentrasi dan Meningkatkan Daya Ingat serta Menyeimbangkan Fungsi otak anak Anda maupun Anda sebagai orang tua..
Bukan hanya efektif pada anak Anda,
seluruh anggota keluarga akan mendapatkan
efek positif jika sering mendengarkannya.
Berbagai manfaat bisa Anda dapatkan dengan mendengarkan CD Terapi Musik KECERDASAN ini antara lain:
seluruh anggota keluarga akan mendapatkan
efek positif jika sering mendengarkannya.
Berbagai manfaat bisa Anda dapatkan dengan mendengarkan CD Terapi Musik KECERDASAN ini antara lain:
- ...
- Memberikan kesegaran otak dalam waktu singkat
- Meningkatkan daya ingat
- Meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh
- Meningkatkan konsentrasi bekerja, tidak mudah lelah dan bosan
- Meningkatkan IQ
- Meningkatkan kreativitas
- Meningkatkan kemampuan kognitif
- Meningkatkan konsentrasi belajar
- Meningkatkan daya tangkap, lebih mudah memahami hal-hal baru
- Mengurangi gangguan sakit dikepala.
- Meningkatkan kemampuan berfikir logis
Manfaat audio terapi ini akan memproses otak Anda untuk cepat dalam belajar, gampang memahami persoalan, cepat tanggap, mudah hafal, bisa mengingat banyak hal, konsentrasinya bagus, serta kreatif dalam mencipta dan menyelesaikan masalah.
Mungkin Anda bertanya-tanya, apakah efektif hanya mendengarkan CD nya saja tanpa mengikuti pelatihannya ?
Sudah ribuan anak-anak Indonesia semakin cerdas dengan pelatihan metode mata tertutup. Kami menyadari bahwa tidak semua orang tua murid yang bisa menyertakan anak tercintanya
untuk mengikuti pelatihannya. Maka kami memberikan alternatif dalam rangka mencerdaskan bangsa, Memproduksi CD Terapi kecerdasan anak dengan harga yang sangat terjangkau,
untuk mengikuti pelatihannya. Maka kami memberikan alternatif dalam rangka mencerdaskan bangsa, Memproduksi CD Terapi kecerdasan anak dengan harga yang sangat terjangkau,
Kombinasi AIR dan MUSIK
Sementara itu Klinik Bad Sulza, Thuringen, Jerman, mengkombinasikan terapi air dengan musik. Program yang ditawarkan klinik itu namanya liquid sound. Untuk itu disediakan dua kolam renang masing-masing berukuran 24 m2.
Dengan kedua tangan disilangkan di belakang, tubuh peserta program yang tergabung dalam satu kelompok ini terapung di permukaan air kolam dengan posisi telentang. Tubuh mereka bisa terapung seperti di Laut Mati karena air kolam itu mengandung garam 3%.
Dalam posisi seperti itu, telinga mereka yang terendam di dalam air bisa mendengar dengan jelas alunan musik yang diputar. “Suara musik masuk lewat tulang tengkorak!” ujar Micky Reeman (46), pengelola liquid sound itu. “Seperti di rahim ibu!” komentar Rose (42), seorang peserta yang punya masalah dengan punggungnya.
Musiknya beraneka, ada musik Jepang, musik lembut, atau pop oldies. Terkadang juga diperdengarkan permainan cello pemusik Matthias von Hintzenstern. Pokoknya, seperti live concert di dalam air. Setiap kelompok boleh memilih musik yang disukai.
Musik itu mengalun lewat beberapa pengeras suara yang dipasang di dasar kolam dan menyebarkan musik ke seluruh kolam.
Para peserta diam, tak bersuara! Kondisi ini membuat tak merasa sudah dua jam lamanya mereka berada di dalam kolam. Setelah beranjak dari kolam, mereka mengaku tubuh dan kepala rasanya enteng. Kepuasan tampak di wajah mereka.
Kombinasi air, kehangatan, musik, dan cahaya bisa
memberi ketenangan sudah diketahui orang sejak zaman Gerakan Abad Baru di Kalifornia, AS. Di Jerman, Mickey Reeman mengembangkan ide healing water dan mematenkannya dengan nama liquid sound. Pada Expo 2000 ia muncul dengan proyeknya itu. Prototipenya berupa sebuah bak rendam besar di lantai bawah tanah, yang dilengkapi dengan kubah berlampu dan pengeras suara di dasar kolam.
Banyak orang kini melakukan terapi air. Kalau Anda mau, juga bisa. Tak perlu pergi jauh-jauh. Anda bisa melakukannya sendiri. Caranya, mandi atau siramlah tubuh dengan air hangat. Kemudian berendam dalam air dingin yang bersuhu 18oC. Dengan cara demikian tubuh akan terlatih menghadapi berbagai serangan penyakit.
Bila Anda mengalami ketegangan otot, lakukan terapi mandi dengan air hangat bersuhu 37oC. Selain itu merendam kaki dalam air hangat yang bertemperatur 37 – 39oC bisa untuk mengobati gejala kurang tidur dan infeksi. Sedangkan mandi dengan pergantian rangsangan panas dingin akan menstabilkan kerja jantung dan aliran darah.
Kombinasi AIR dan MUSIK
memberi ketenangan sudah diketahui orang sejak zaman Gerakan Abad Baru di Kalifornia, AS. Di Jerman, Mickey Reeman mengembangkan ide healing water dan mematenkannya dengan nama liquid sound. Pada Expo 2000 ia muncul dengan proyeknya itu. Prototipenya berupa sebuah bak rendam besar di lantai bawah tanah, yang dilengkapi dengan kubah berlampu dan pengeras suara di dasar kolam.
"Ketika Anda Merubah Gelombang Otak Anda, Anda Merubah Hidup Anda".
Kondisi Gelombang
Otak pada diri Anda sangat menentukan pikiran dan tingkah laku Anda.
Konsentrasi, tekanan, energi, suasana hati, kebiasaan, perilaku, reaksi, dan
lain-lain merupakan kondisi cermin dari frekwensi Gelombang Otak Anda. Dengan
merubah frekwensi Gelombang Otak (Brainwave), berubahlah kondisi Anda.
Terapi Gelombang Otak Bekerja?
Telah Terbukti Secara Klinis
otak manusia menghasilkan gelombang listrik yang berfluktuasi. Gelombang
listrik ini disebut brainwave atau Gelombang Otak. Pada tahun 1929, Hans
Berger, seorang psikiater Jerman, menemukan Electro Encephalograph (EEG) yang
bisa digunakan untuk mengukur gelombang listrik yang dihasilkan otak. Sejak
saat itulah teknologi berbasis Gelombang Otak (Brainwave) untuk meningkatkan
kemampuan pikiran dan perkembangan diri manusia mulai berkembang pesat di
seluruh dunia. Riset selama bertahun-tahun menunjukkan bahwa Gelombang Otak
(Brainwave) tidak hanya menunjukkan kondisi pikiran dan tubuh seseorang, tetapi
dapat juga distimulasi untuk mengubah kondisi mental seseorang. Dengan
mengkondisikan otak agar memproduksi atau mereduksi jenis frekuensi Gelombang
Otak tertentu, maka dimungkinkan untuk menghasilkan beragam kondisi mental dan
Secara garis besar, otak manusia menghasilkan empat jenis Gelombang Otak (Brainwave) secara bersamaan, yaitu Beta, Alpha, Tetha, Delta. Akan tetapi selalu ada jenis Gelombang Otak yang dominan, yang menandakan aktivitas otak saat itu. Misalnya jika kita tertidur, maka Gelombang Otak yang dominan adalah Delta. Gelombang Otak bisa dimanipulasi (diprogram) dengan cara mendengarkan suara yang sudah diatur frekwensinya untuk mendapatkan efek-efek tertentu sesuai kebutuhan.
Misalnya untuk meditasi, yang dibutuhkan adalah kondisi relaksaksi yang dalam (seperti tidur) tetapi pikiran atau kesadaran tetap bekerja. Hal ini tentu sulit dilakukan oleh manusia pada umumnya, dan para meditator (penggemar meditasi) perlu berlatih bertahun-tahun untuk mencapai kondisi seperti itu. Namun dengan bantuan CD yang sudah diprogram secara khusus ini, seseorang bisa memasuki kondisi meditasi dalam waktu beberapa hari latihan saja. Para meditator telah menggunakan teknologi Gelombang Otak (Brainwave) ini untuk memasuki pikiran bawah sadar dalam waktu yang cepat.
Secara garis besar, otak manusia menghasilkan empat jenis Gelombang Otak (Brainwave) secara bersamaan, yaitu Beta, Alpha, Tetha, Delta. Akan tetapi selalu ada jenis Gelombang Otak yang dominan, yang menandakan aktivitas otak saat itu. Misalnya jika kita tertidur, maka Gelombang Otak yang dominan adalah Delta. Gelombang Otak bisa dimanipulasi (diprogram) dengan cara mendengarkan suara yang sudah diatur frekwensinya untuk mendapatkan efek-efek tertentu sesuai kebutuhan.
Misalnya untuk meditasi, yang dibutuhkan adalah kondisi relaksaksi yang dalam (seperti tidur) tetapi pikiran atau kesadaran tetap bekerja. Hal ini tentu sulit dilakukan oleh manusia pada umumnya, dan para meditator (penggemar meditasi) perlu berlatih bertahun-tahun untuk mencapai kondisi seperti itu. Namun dengan bantuan CD yang sudah diprogram secara khusus ini, seseorang bisa memasuki kondisi meditasi dalam waktu beberapa hari latihan saja. Para meditator telah menggunakan teknologi Gelombang Otak (Brainwave) ini untuk memasuki pikiran bawah sadar dalam waktu yang cepat.
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