
Superb Testimonial Results of MCB Training Program

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Excellent Results of some children after taking MCB Training Workshop.

Samuel Lengkong, 15 years old, Cibubur Jakarta Indonesia.
Threatened not graduated junior high school to high school for Mathematics & Science Exam number is always below the average (grades 4, 5, 6), the more I stress, often tired and dizzy, dizzy acted with playing computer games, the internet and mobile phones and gadgets, but for 2 months (April & May 2012) before the National Examination, the father of Samuel gives MCB Training 2x and also consume Nutri Brain every bedtime. Changes occur immediately visible in Samuel fitter physically stronger than previous days (so happy of playing basketball), not lazy anymore, acne in his face much reduced (due to very less to eat vegetables and fruit), and the soul of playing musical instruments increased (playing guitar, keyboards, violin), in the face of the National Examination Samuel is very quiet and very prepared, resulting value becomes the winner of the National Exam Top figures in school! And even Samuel get 1-year scholarship from the Adventist University of Central Jakarta Salemba on his achievement. Thank God, thank you MCB,

Akbar, Sukamara- Central Kalimantan, Indonesia.
 Parents are very patiently guiding Akbar Akbar who are aged 15 years but is still sitting in 5th grade elementary school because no next grade 3 years. With the condition of the test numbers are always the bad points 3 (never more than 3 points, and 10 points is the highest point), it was like a school teacher Akbar had run out of ways to make better Akbar. Under the direction mother Nana Rosbaini (friend of Akbar's parents), then Akbar along with his parents dare to take a 15 hour trip to Palangkaraya for training 1x MCB Borneo, and Akbar undergo "New Achievements" immediately after the 2 days following the MCB's, Akbar immediately taken her parents return to Sukamara with 15-hour journey back to Sukamara because the next day Akbar should be prepared for Semester Exam for 1 week. All the teachers were amazed because all numbers Akbar school exams achieved over the number 7! Akbar also be more diligent and creative work with the work of his hands, more mature and obedient, making the "commotion" all friends of his parents in Sukamara. Thanks MCB.

AARON, 12 tahun. And JONATHAN, 8 years old, Cinere – South Jakarta Indonesia.
 Aaron and Jonathan join the training in MCB & buy Nutri Brain by their parents (Engeline & Gino) as well as their grandmother advice (Paula Lumenta), with just 3 weeks after attending the MCB and regular consumption of Nutri Brain every morning night, then Aaron successfully finished 3rd in his class, and also Jonathan able to easily deal with Mathematics Exam (usually math was the weakest for Jonathan). Thank God, thank you MCB.

RIZKY, 10 years old, Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta, Indonesia.
 Rizky can not always be obedient to his mother, in school Rizky always get bad scores that do not satisfy the teacher and his mother, each school Rizky always throwing clothes, throwing bags, books, and Rizky directly take his mother money to of playing PlayStation games in neighboring Rizky his to return at 11 pm. his mother was desperate and resigned seeing Rizky behavior. After his mother was advised by his neighbors Syamsiah that Rizky join MCB training, then despite the new join MCB Training 1x then Rizky implies "behavior change" 180 degrees drastically. after returning from MCB training, Rizky directly apologized to his mother, and promised not to disappoint his mother again, Rizky also more Independent & more diligent, no longer want to play PS games until midnight, and even more amazing is: After one day join MCB training that is "Exam week of school", and his teachers call his mother, due entirely Rizky scores 100 in all subjects tested in the "Exam week of school"! .

Nanda Salsabila, 7 tahun, Ciawi Bogor Jawa Barat.
 As the youngest child, Nanda become a spoiled child, also frequently ill because her eating is also always under the portion of peers. Rini (her mother) and Jamal (her father) has given a lot of supplements and various types of therapy that Nanda be better, but after briefed by Mr. Stevie to follow MCB training 3x, then Nanda no longer sick, eating can better than before, no longer spoiled, even intuition Nanda became sharper, evidenced in every exam faced Nanda can work more quickly and correctly. Thanks MCB,

Slamet Supriyanto, 13 years old, Cibinong Depok West Java, Indonesia.
 Slamet always behind in terms of the entire exam subjects, often sick, so that when the grade 6 Slamet asked Umi Sukiem, his mother, to quit school because it Discouragement can not follow all the subjects, especially mathematics. But after training MCB, great changes occur directly on the spirit and Mental Performance Learning. Slamet more diligent without prompting his parents, Slamet want to study his own, tidy up school supplies, not spoiled yet, even more mature behavior among his peers, Slamet now not sickly, more concentration, more fit, and he got a scholarship in his junior on his learning achievement.

Vio , 15 years old, Ciawi Bogor Indonesia.
Vio often dropped her mood if already tired, so make some loss of concentration that make her school figures like missed. However, after the MCB training 3 times, Vio often a champion in her class in a variety of subjects in each "school daily test", more mature keeping her brother Sultan (sons and daughters Bambang & Sri), now Vio is preparing to become a doctor like her ideals.


Blog, Updated at: 4:55:00 AM

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